Ch. Nova MyOnyx Likely Story x Ch. Walton’s Connoquenessing, CGC, ROM, HOF
Whelped: 11/24/97
Died: 7/22/05
vWD Status: Carrier, per VetGen
Annie was the puppy we kept from the first litter of Manchesters produced at Charlin, and we think even this picture, taken when she was very young, tells why. While Annie never finished her championship title, her beautiful type, correct outline, straight boning, and compact feet speak well of her parents. Annie also had the kind of sweet, affectionate temperament which never goes out of style in any breeding program.
Unfortunately, Annie inherited the neuromuscular disorder which her sire had, and so was never incorporated into the Charlin breeding lines. (Her litter was produced before Loki evinced symptoms of his disorder). Nevertheless, she lived happily here with the show dogs for almost eight years until she told us it was time for her to go Home. She is remembered fondly at Charlin.

Ch. Nova MyOnyx Likely Story
Charlin’s Edith Ann

Walton’s Chaucer W. Churchill

Ch. Walton’s Connoquenessing, CGC, ROM, HOF

Ch. Dress Circle Money In The Bank