Ch. Salutaire Signature, HOF x Ch. Walton’s Connoquenessing, CGC, ROM, HOF
Whelped: 7/27/99
Died: 9/12/14
vWD Status: Clear, per VetGen test #12960
Grommet was a homebred Charlin dog who finished his title so quickly that many breeders never saw him! Grommet completed his championship in a grand total of 11 shows, with 2 specialty majors, and several Best of Variety wins from the classes over specials. He was then specialed a short time, and later, brought home to be tried out as a stud dog.
Grommet was a stately dog, well up on leg, beautifully muscled as a male should be, and of exquisite head type and outline. He had a long, strong head which was “all of a piece”, almond-shaped eyes with a lovely, almost exotic expression, and perfectly high-set ears. He had lovely bone and feet, and the correct arch over the loin, which is so often lacking in today’s Manchesters. All of this topped off with a sweet, non-argumentative temperament, which lent him both a showy style in the ring and an amenable demeanor at home.
Grommet lived to beyond his 15th birthday and died peacefully in his sleep on a beautiful Fall morning. We miss him greatly.

Ch. Salutaire Signature, HOF

Ch. Salutaire Most Likely
Ch. Charlin’s Monogram

Walton’s Chaucer W. Churchill

Ch. Walton’s Connoquenessing, CGC, ROM,HOF

Ch. Dress Circle Money In The Bank