Ch. Shal-Mar's Mancunian Hot Rock, CDX, RE, HOF
Am/Can Ch. Y-Not Wish Upon A Star
Whelped: 10/21/09
vWD Status: Clear, per VetGen test #39553
CERF: Normal
Thyroid: Normal (OFA #MT-TH28/48M-NOPI)
We here at Charlin were looking for a quality male who would fit into our breeding program and who would not be too closely related to our girls, Piccolo and Rodeo. Wiley, sent to us through the courtesy of his breeders, Randy & Gina Osborne of Seattle, Washington, suits us to a "T", combining beautiful type (with a particularly exquisite headpiece), correct outline and the kind of smooth and easy movement which has been remarked upon by judges, breeders and exhibitors alike.
Wiley's show career began with UKC events and he achieved his UKC championship in short order, from the Puppy Class. As the only Manchester Terrier entered each time he was shown, his competition wins necessarily required his placing in the Terrier Group over Champions and Grand Champions of other breeds. This he accomplished easily, winning the admiration of the judges who placed him so highly and ranking him as the #1 Manchester Terrier (Standards and Toys combined) in the UKC for the year 2010.
Wiley's first AKC points were won in March of 2011 at the AMTC District III specialty show, held in conjunction with the National Specialty. This single win, from the 12-18 month Dog class, gleaned him a 5-point major and put him a third of the way to his AKC championship! The photograph above commemorates his next 2-point win at the Laurel Highlands show which was a District III supported entry. He has since completed his AKC title with two more majors won back-to-back at the District III supported entries in October 2012.
Finally, Wiley has also been busy here at home, siring his first litter on the beautiful bitch, AKC/UKC Ch. Deeon's Blueberry Wine DXL, aka "Rodeo", and his second litter out of our "Piccolo", AKC/UKC Ch. Charlin's Arts and Letters. The puppies from both of these litters are showing beautiful type and structure, as well as enjoying some of the most wonderful temperament it has been our pleasure to see in the breed. We look forward to Wiley's future contributions to our breeding program as he and his kids enjoy continued success in the AKC and UKC show venues.

Ch. Shal-Mar's Mancunian Hot Rock, CDX, RE, HOF

Ch. Shal-Mar's Black Jade of Reid
AKC & UKC Ch. Y-Not Just Push Play

Ch. Salutaire Notoriously Bad

Am/Can Ch. Y-Not Wish Upon a Star

Ch. Salutaire Like a Mercedes, RN, CGC